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How Does Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy Work?
Simply explained, Our mind has two main parts. The Conscious mind and the Subconscious mind. The Conscious mind is the part of the mind that we use all day, every day to make decisions, for short term memory, for planning. Our Subconscious mind is the more powerful part of the mind. Its where we keep and store all our long term memories, habits, behaviours, emotions, imagination and beliefs. Have you ever heard a piece of music, or smelt something that set off a long lost memory, maybe way back to your childhood? Well that memory was just sitting there in your subconscious, until something triggered the memory to come forward.
Once I have talked you into a lovely state of relaxation - into hypnosis- your conscious mind goes to sleep and your subconsious mind is wide awake, and ready for your therapy. This is when I will give lots of positive suggestions, change negative thoughts into positive thoughts. Both working together, we can find the root to many issues such anxiety
phobias, low self esteem. Change bad habits and behaviours and so much more.
Will Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy work for me?
Hypnosis is a natural trance state that everyone goes into every day. Have you ever been so engrossed in a film or a book, only to come back to reality when your movie or book comes to an end? Simply going into a day dream is a natural trance. However, in order for hypnosis and hypnotherapy to work, you will have to want it to work, and be an active participant in all hypnotherapy sessions.
Hypnotherapy can produce brilliant results if you allow it to work and can change your life in the most amazing way.
What does Hypnosis feel like?
The feeling of hypnosis differs to each individual. Some just feel very very relaxed, as if going into a lovely daydream. Some clients will visualise, and be able to sense smells, feel and hear what they are visualising. Sometimes my voice may fade in and out, but you will always be aware of any noises around you and will be able to hear what I am saying. Often, in hypnosis, the client's mind will wander of thinking of other things, like their plans for the day, or any other thoughts that come to mind, but the subconscious mind will still be open for my suggestions. You will always be able to respond to any questions I ask. I haven't had a client yet, who hasn't left their session feeling wonderfully positive, calm and relaxed.
Four Common Hypnosis Questions
Will Hypnosis make me bark like a dog?
No. The Hypnotherapist cannot make you do anything against your will, that includes barking like a dog, clucking like a chicken and making you share your secrets. Hypnosis is not mind control
Can a person be stuck in trance?
No. If the hypnotherapist stops talking for longer length of time, the client will automatically come out of hypnosis. If you wanted, you can open your eyes at any time.
Is hypnosis sleep?
No. Hypnosis is a relaxed state where someone is aware of their surroundings
Is Hypnotherapy a quick fix?
Yes and no.. Depending on the issue being treated, how deeply rooted the problem is and how participating the client is. Hypnotherapy can help someone in just 1 - 2 sessions.
How does Online Hypnotherapy work?
An online hypnotherapy session is just as effective as face to face hypnotherapy. It is useful for those who find it hard to travel, or indeed, don't want travel, are busy with other commitments or simply who prefer to be in their own home.
If booking an online session I recommend the Initial Free Consultation to be held via Skype which provides a safe and secure connection. This way we can make sure that the internet connection is reliable for your full consultation.
Before any online Session I will send you a unique link, which is safe and secure, via email, so only you can have access to it.
What do I need access to for Online Hypnotherapy?
Please contact me with your details by clicking button below
Emma Allard Hypnotherapy
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